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Recently Jon and I purchased a 1900 Colonial cottage-to entertain family and friends in the summer. We are located out in a charming country community. And both of us love summertime entertaining and the chance to sit out on our patio during the evening time with those closes to us was what pushed us to move out to the peaceful countryside.

You will find us dining out on the patio al fresco every chance we get. Nothing is more relaxing than a summer evening sitting outside on our patio listening to cicadas and tree frogs in the distance. We both love to entertain family and guests here at our lakeside cottage and come summertime this season belongs to them.

Recently I was able to purchase a few wrought iron tables and chairs for entertaining at our cottage during the summer months I will lay tablecloths over the tables to dress them up than I add a few vases and lanterns, and we are all set for entertaining guest.

One way that we encourage our guests to mingle and walk around our property is to sit up our drink stations in various locations. Having two drinking stations located outside and one inside allows our guests a few moments of privacy and the change to walk around the property to see the fantastic views.

As the day turns to an evening here at our countryside cottage, and the last embers of daylight have disappeared we light up the lanterns we placed on tree branches and the tables, that way we can mingle a while longer. And sit and listen for the tree frogs in the distance and watch the night lit up by lightning bugs.

Are you looking to update or remodel the spaces of your home? We would love to work with you on creating your spaces. Give our office a call at 1-765-672-8244

Tammy Snellenberger Interior Designer EWC Home Services.

